Search-engine friendly URLs. Refers to URLs that are descriptive in a way that search engines can understand. Normal Joomla! URLs look something like this: You can optionally have URLs display to look like static HTML pages like this: Joomla! 1.5 has built-in optionos for SEF URLs. These are enabled by changing the ""SEO Settings"" in the Site tab in the Global Configuration screen in the Joomla! back-end. There are also third-party extensions that create SEF URLs for Joomla!. Reference:
The default access levels for Joomla are: Public (everyone), Registered (logged-in users), or Special (authors and above). However, you can create an infinite number of custom access levels to suit your site’s needs.
An abbreviation for “Linux Apache MySQL Perl/PHP/Python.” These group of free and open source programs are used to run many dynamic websites. Most Joomla sites run with Apache and MySQL. All run with PHP. In addition, JavaScript is now an important part of the Joomla “stack.”