Adjusting a core Joomla file (i.e., the files that you uploaded before installing Joomla!). Any changes you make to core files will be overwritten during the next update, thus core hack is not recommended. In most cases, there are alternative workaround to change Joomla without hacking the core.
An installable language extension that provides the option to view a Joomla site in a different language. Language packs can be for the front or back end of the site. With Joomla!, language-files are stored within the folder languages, and within that directory for each language a subdirectory is created.
One of the three elements of the model-view-controller design pattern. The model encapsulates the data used by the component. The model is typically all about the “business” or “domain” logic and the database. The base API class we use for models is called JModel.